Série Game of Thrones inspira escolha de nomes de bebés

"The new series of Game of Thrones starts this week and it seems the show's increasing popularity has lead to a lot of excitement over the beginning of the new series... But some are taking their love for the show a little further than others.

The popularity of Game of Thrones (GoT) means you are increasingly likely to find a little Arya or Khaleesi in your local nursery.

With the show returning for its fifth series, figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) show that the saga is indeed inspiring some parents in their choice of name for their new baby.

"Arya is fairly popular, with 187 girls across England given the name in 2013, up from 104 in 2012. There were also 21 boys given the name in 2013, down from 27 the year before.

The number of babies named Khaleesi has more than doubled from 21 to 50, and there are now four girls named Daenerys too.

GoT-inspired boys names were less popular - there were 11 Theons, down from 15 in 2012, and six Tyrions, up from four in 2012.

There were seven boys called Bran and three Sandors - equal to the number of boys named Malcolm last year.

However, some names are yet to appear in the statistics.

According to ONS figures, if there are any children named after the evil King Joffrey, or after Eddard or Samwell in 2013, they may be the only ones.

Margaery, Cersei, Gendry, Robb, Brienne, Stannis, Selyse, Ygritte, and Rickon also failed to inspire parents.

The show does feature some more conventional names, so GoT fans do not have to go too wacky with their name choices - there were 31 Jons, and 47 Asha's.

Other films and series to have had an influence include cult series Breaking Bad, which appears to have led to an increase in the number of girls named Skyler while there were 58 boys called Walter.

And Harry Potter also seems to continue to inspire choices, with three girls named Bellatrix in 2013."

Fonte: GetWestLondon